Am gasit filmul pe care il cautam acum ceva timp, sa spuna ceva, sa arate ceva, samiste ceva in spectator.
"The Boat That Rocked" e revelatia mea, nu vine din state, vine din Marea Britanie.
Cu o distributie necunoscuta , cu o singura exceptie Philip Seymour Hoffman, maselor devoratoare de Holywood, actorii sunt exact genul de actori din "Trainspoting", anonimi dar buni.
Si ce film misto a iesit.
Povestea e simpla, pe un vas ancorat in Marea Nordului isi are sediul un radio pirat care emite non-stop muzica rock-roll sau pop -rock, nu stiu exact sa categorisesc genul, intr-o Anglie conservatoare in privinta muzicii, si care era ascultat de jumatate din populatie Marii Britanii.
Dar sentimentul care ti-l lasa filmul e cel care conteaza, libertate, spargerea unor tipare, revolutie culturala, pionerii noului val care bineinteles se lovesc de cutume, birocratie si o guvernare care nu vrea sa lase poporul expus unor valori decadente ca muzica rock-roll.
Trebuie sa iubim pionerii si chiar nu conteaza daca povestea e fictiune sau realitate, e bine spusa, bine jucata si arata altceva in multitudinea asta de mizerii de la cinema.
Coloana sonora este geniala.
Un exemplu:
The Kinks- All Day and All of the Night
Vreti mai mult mergeti si vedeti filmul, merita.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
O melodie pentru o zi, o stare, un cadou
Ieri a fost ziua ei, a primit cadou o broscuta testoasa, simpatica si agitata.
Noua noastra colocatara a primit numele de botez Agripina si va fi noua mascota a casutei noastre.
Deocamdata nu am poze cu micuta si cu al ei terarium (sper ca am scris bine), o sa pun intr-o zi.
E joi, afara e o zi morocanoasa si cantecul asta se potriveste ca o manusa.
Rolling Stones- Laugh I Nearly Died
Noua noastra colocatara a primit numele de botez Agripina si va fi noua mascota a casutei noastre.
Deocamdata nu am poze cu micuta si cu al ei terarium (sper ca am scris bine), o sa pun intr-o zi.
E joi, afara e o zi morocanoasa si cantecul asta se potriveste ca o manusa.
Rolling Stones- Laugh I Nearly Died
Monday, November 16, 2009
Top gear S14, Ep. 01
Transfagarasanul filmat de sus te lasa masca, am mers pe acolo dar nu banuiam ca de sus e si mai frumos.
Pacat ca sunt doar 3 minute.
(Nu cred ca trebuie sa ne cramponam prea mult de restul lucrurilor, realizatorii cauta senzationalul.)
Pacat ca sunt doar 3 minute.
(Nu cred ca trebuie sa ne cramponam prea mult de restul lucrurilor, realizatorii cauta senzationalul.)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Flash back
M-am casatorit pe 19 septembrie.
Acum 3 saptamani am botezat o superba fetita, da, suntem nasi deja.
Vine ziua ei si dupa ziua mea, poate facem o petrecere frumoasa cu oameni dragi noua, ceva de gatit (nu ma refer la gratere) si bineinteles bere, vin si restul de bauturi necesare unei petreceri.
As vrea sa vad si eu un film la cinema care sa ma inspire intr-un fel sau altul. Ultimul film care m-a lasat masca a fost "Restul e tacere".
Citesc cartea "Sclavii fericiti. Lumea vazuta din Silicon Valley" de Ovidiu Hurduzeu, ma bucur sa aflu ca exista astfel de oameni in tara noastra. Ma intristez ca nu stiu de ei mai multi, ca nu sunt populari, ca nu fac audiente, ca nu sunt ascultati si luati in seama.
Zeitgeist e misto, indiferent de ce spun unii pe bloguri mai celebre, si, din pacate, cei care au facut filmul ala au avut dreptate.
Informatia de calitate se plateste scump iar la noi in tara toti cei care furnizeaza informatii dau numai tembelisme pentru ca sunt ieftine si e mai simplu.
Televiziunile si presa din Romania nu mai ofera nimic. E ca un mare vid asternut in zona aia.
Dilema veche si cateva publicatii de genul asta mai incearca sa tina stindardul sus, dar uneori simti ca e prea putin, mult prea putin.
Si apropo de blogerii din Romania, parerea mea:
Blogosfera din Romania, aia care iese in fata, este exact asa cum e societatea pe care tot ei o infiereaza: fara substanta.
Daca Zoso e un hit printre bloguri, atunci il rog sa nu se mai mire de mizerii. Nu sunt de acord nici cu mitocanii care ii arunca diverse invective; el incearca, intr-un fel sinistru potrivit audientei, dar carentele lui se vad, aia e.
Imi pare rau, dar e cel mai elocvent exemplu dintre blogurile cu trafic mare, celelalte mizerii de gen Visurat, Arhi etc sunt la fel sau pe acolo.
(Daca as fi director de marketing la audi sau bmw ar trebui sa fiu imbecil, retardat sau analfabet ca sa dau unor imberbi de genul asta masinile alea ca sa le faca publicitate. El ar cumpara daca ar citi asa ceva pe net?)
Cand o sa se mai maturizeze piata blogurilor poate ca blogurile mai serioase, scrise fara puli si restul de abjectii vor castiga teren.
Deocamdata blogurile economice, cele cu si despre muzica etc, blogurile unor oameni ca manafu, novac, cabral etc inca mai dau sperante.
Acum 3 saptamani am botezat o superba fetita, da, suntem nasi deja.
Vine ziua ei si dupa ziua mea, poate facem o petrecere frumoasa cu oameni dragi noua, ceva de gatit (nu ma refer la gratere) si bineinteles bere, vin si restul de bauturi necesare unei petreceri.
As vrea sa vad si eu un film la cinema care sa ma inspire intr-un fel sau altul. Ultimul film care m-a lasat masca a fost "Restul e tacere".
Citesc cartea "Sclavii fericiti. Lumea vazuta din Silicon Valley" de Ovidiu Hurduzeu, ma bucur sa aflu ca exista astfel de oameni in tara noastra. Ma intristez ca nu stiu de ei mai multi, ca nu sunt populari, ca nu fac audiente, ca nu sunt ascultati si luati in seama.
Zeitgeist e misto, indiferent de ce spun unii pe bloguri mai celebre, si, din pacate, cei care au facut filmul ala au avut dreptate.
Informatia de calitate se plateste scump iar la noi in tara toti cei care furnizeaza informatii dau numai tembelisme pentru ca sunt ieftine si e mai simplu.
Televiziunile si presa din Romania nu mai ofera nimic. E ca un mare vid asternut in zona aia.
Dilema veche si cateva publicatii de genul asta mai incearca sa tina stindardul sus, dar uneori simti ca e prea putin, mult prea putin.
Si apropo de blogerii din Romania, parerea mea:
Blogosfera din Romania, aia care iese in fata, este exact asa cum e societatea pe care tot ei o infiereaza: fara substanta.
Daca Zoso e un hit printre bloguri, atunci il rog sa nu se mai mire de mizerii. Nu sunt de acord nici cu mitocanii care ii arunca diverse invective; el incearca, intr-un fel sinistru potrivit audientei, dar carentele lui se vad, aia e.
Imi pare rau, dar e cel mai elocvent exemplu dintre blogurile cu trafic mare, celelalte mizerii de gen Visurat, Arhi etc sunt la fel sau pe acolo.
(Daca as fi director de marketing la audi sau bmw ar trebui sa fiu imbecil, retardat sau analfabet ca sa dau unor imberbi de genul asta masinile alea ca sa le faca publicitate. El ar cumpara daca ar citi asa ceva pe net?)
Cand o sa se mai maturizeze piata blogurilor poate ca blogurile mai serioase, scrise fara puli si restul de abjectii vor castiga teren.
Deocamdata blogurile economice, cele cu si despre muzica etc, blogurile unor oameni ca manafu, novac, cabral etc inca mai dau sperante.
Melodii care imi bantuie creierul
The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings
The world is a vampire, sent to drain
Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames
And what do I get, for my pain?
Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game
Even though I know - I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold - like old job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal
But can you fake it, for just one more show?
And what do you want?
I want to change
And what have you got, when you feel the same?
Even though I know - I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold - like old job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Tell me I'm the only one
Tell me there's no other one
Jesus was the only son, yeah.
Tell me I'm the chosen one
Jesus was the only son for you
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
And someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage am I still just a rat in a-
Despite all my rage am I still just a rat in a-
Despite all my rage am I still just a rat in a cage
Tell me I'm the only one
Tell me there's no other one
Jesus was the only son for you
And I still beleive that I cannot be saved
Disturbed - The Night
What has come over me
What madness taken hold of my heart
To run away, the only answer
Pulling me away
To fall upon the night!
The source of my recovery
Sweet shadow taking hold of the light
Another day has been devoured
Calling me away, begging the question why
For saving me from all they've taken
Let my armor fall again
Give me the strength to face them
Feeling it taking over
Im about to take it all away
There can be no better way of knowing
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes
Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave for
The rest of your life
Give into the night
This self discovery
Redemption taking hold of my mind
A serenade of haunting voices
Calling me away
To feast upon the night
The source of my felicity
Dark maiden taking hold of my hand
Lead me away from hibernation
Strong and unafraid
Never a question why
For saving me from all they've taken
Let my armor fall again
Give me the strength to face them
Feeling it taking over
Im about to take it away
There be no better way of knowing
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes
Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave for
The rest of your life
Give into the night
Give in to the night
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes
Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave for
The rest of your life
Give into the night
Night (x3)
Give into the Night
Night (x3)
Give into the Night (x2)
The world is a vampire, sent to drain
Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames
And what do I get, for my pain?
Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game
Even though I know - I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold - like old job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal
But can you fake it, for just one more show?
And what do you want?
I want to change
And what have you got, when you feel the same?
Even though I know - I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold - like old job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Tell me I'm the only one
Tell me there's no other one
Jesus was the only son, yeah.
Tell me I'm the chosen one
Jesus was the only son for you
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
And someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage am I still just a rat in a-
Despite all my rage am I still just a rat in a-
Despite all my rage am I still just a rat in a cage
Tell me I'm the only one
Tell me there's no other one
Jesus was the only son for you
And I still beleive that I cannot be saved
Disturbed - The Night
What has come over me
What madness taken hold of my heart
To run away, the only answer
Pulling me away
To fall upon the night!
The source of my recovery
Sweet shadow taking hold of the light
Another day has been devoured
Calling me away, begging the question why
For saving me from all they've taken
Let my armor fall again
Give me the strength to face them
Feeling it taking over
Im about to take it all away
There can be no better way of knowing
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes
Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave for
The rest of your life
Give into the night
This self discovery
Redemption taking hold of my mind
A serenade of haunting voices
Calling me away
To feast upon the night
The source of my felicity
Dark maiden taking hold of my hand
Lead me away from hibernation
Strong and unafraid
Never a question why
For saving me from all they've taken
Let my armor fall again
Give me the strength to face them
Feeling it taking over
Im about to take it away
There be no better way of knowing
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes
Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave for
The rest of your life
Give into the night
Give in to the night
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes
Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave for
The rest of your life
Give into the night
Night (x3)
Give into the Night
Night (x3)
Give into the Night (x2)
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